Rites of Passage Experiences (ROPES) 2023 Guardians Meeting
Rites of Passage Experiences (ROPES) 2023 guardians meeting was launched on February 25th at the CCP’s Community Center with 22 guardians in attendance out of the expected 32. This was an introductory meeting to enable the parents understand how their children will benefit from the ROPEs program. The aim of the training was to educate parents on the challenges faced by their teenagers. The meeting commenced with praise and worship led by CCP staff Pallomeh Angaya and later a sermonette shared on Faith and Prayers from Romans 1:8-10 by the education coordinator Benson Kaduki where he encouraged guardians to always put their faith into action even in situations that seem to be difficult. The guest speaker, Sena Chabari, a sociologist by profession, took the guardians through what ROPES is, its importance and their role as parents in the program. Some of the points that stood out in the benefits of ROPES were: -It affirms identity and a sense of belonging, -It teaches life or adaptive skills, -It instills values and reinforced worldview The role of parents in ROPES came out clear as follows: -To support the child holistically, -Motivate (encourage), -Understand (Listen to the child), -Be intentional, -Create time for your child, -Help them achieve their dreams, Sena explained that rites are rituals that facilitate the transition from one stage of life to another within a community for example birth, circumcision, marriage, and death among others. The key players in the transition process are the candidates, the parents and the church /organization. Referencing Benjamin Franklin’s words, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me that I learn”, Sena involved guardians in a balloon exercise where every guardian wrote their child’s name on a balloon meaning God had given them children right from conception, blew it meaning as they brought up their children they need to teach them good morals, pass it on to a fellow guardian meaning while growing children interact with different people and then tossed it meaning that when we release them we should pray that they fall in good hands. Sena advised that the seed planted in children while still young will definitely help sustain them in adulthood. The informative session ended with guardians fully charged to attend the parents meeting to learn more in raising their teenagers and excited to raise money for the year-end ROPES camp. Later on, the guardians were taken through the ROPES camp budget and the needs assessment by the sponsorship coordinator Mable Umali and Sponsorship Communication & Admin Support Irene Kerubo respectively. The yearlong program sees parents cover six lessons and thirty-two for the teens culminating for a camp experience in December 2023.