On 9th September, 2023, nine mentors graduated and were commissioned at Nairobi Chapel Church after they went through a 10-week “Man Enough” program that is experiential challenge for men where they discover the true definition of Masculinity, have a safe space to have real conversations on Manhood. The graduation came after a three-day camp at Malewa camping site in Naivasha. The ceremony started at 9:00 am with a word of prayer from one of the resident pastors who later kicked off the session with a sermonette of the day which summarized the teachings done during the camp. Some of the CCP staff, mentors & family members were in attendance to crown the occasion. Some of the boys gave their testimonies about different experiences they had at the camp. They also testified of the transformation and the relevance of the lessons learnt in the camp. Guardians testified of the major mile stones achieved by their sons from the time they began attending the program. CCP’s Managing Director Stella Mwangi, congratulated the graduates and encouraged them to live by the teachings they have received and live for God and not for anyone else. She was impressed by the young men’s commitment towards the. The ceremony ended at 12:45 pm with prayers and later the young men were treated with lunch courtesy of CCP where Jacqueline Ngigi , Director of Finance congratulated and encouraged them to apply whatever they learnt especially now that most of them have joined different universities and colleges.